Ring the bell

                             RING THE BELL (Bell Bajao) 

         In the twenty-first century when the fast pace of life is affecting mental and physical health of an individual, it is equally affecting social health in a really bad way.
The increased population and the improvements in technology are causing huge unemployment which in turn adding to the poverty population and the crimes. Not only males are finding it difficult to cope up with the requirements of life, but also females are suffering from the increased expectations from the life. Survival is more important than success - is the motto of lakhs of people who are facing the darwinian laws prevalent in the world. Hence the rat-race of earning bread-n-butter is taking toll of internal peace of youth. No wonder the relationships are more volatile now-days compared to the past and unfortunately India being a male-dominated society women are suffering more than men in such not-so-good relationships. 

       The increased expectations from each other plays the major role in bitterness which results into household quarrels and when these fights becomes regular the next stage which follows is physical violence. Our Newspapers, News Channels keep reporting so many such incidents of domestic violence daily. But actually thousands of such cases do not come in the daylight due to compromises on female side. Even if a woman tries to complain about her husband to her parents, the first advice which she gets is to solve the domestic issues at home itself. Many relationships doesn't broke even after such abusive episodes running daily, the only reason for this is - their children. Separation of parents is not good for the future of children. 

          Dowry-killings , Honor-Killings, Acid-Attacks, Murders due to one-sided love etc. issues are social evils and everyone; male and female must fight against them. The 'deteriorating cultural values' is not the sole reason of the same.In fact there are several reasons inter-related with each other. The biggest problem being 'In-active ness of the Society'. People are so much busy in their own life, that they don't care about what's happening in their neighbourhood. Selfishness is diminishing the virtue of altruism. Those who have sensitive heart doesn't have courage to interfere in such cases; and many feels it's better to stay away from such matters as no-one wants to get involved in police-case or legal-matters. Unfortunately, even police are seen not taking domestic violence seriously and try not to report it in their files. In short, domestic violence happens and will keep happening till Society starts 'RINGING the BELL'. 

           Society is made up of collection of individuals. Human being is capable enough to make a difference between what is good and what is bad? Being Social Animal human being much try his best to keep the Society healthy and clean. So taking responsibility of the neighbourhood in which one stays is the right way to contribute to the society and one must start it from his own house. It's important to see that gender equality is established in your family first. We must also understand that 'conflicts' can be solved by 'talks'. Any violence against anybody is not right.

            By RINGING the BELL of the Neighbour where DOMESTIC VIOLENCE keeps happening; Society members should WARN the Abusing husband. They should threaten him of Police-case and also encourage the Victim to raise her voice against such domestic violence - which is crime. If not stopped at initial stage, such violence can keep happening again and again and on more brutal manner in the future. So she must not keep quite. Call their relatives (if you know them) and tell them what's happening in your neighbour's house.Tell the concerned person to visit them and stop the crime against woman and if all goes in-vain, go and take help of some NGO to support the victim and file a complaint against her abusive husband in police station. Accompany her and help her throughout such case till things gets normal again.

      In India we consider WOMAN as an Avatar of 'Maa Shakti' - the Goddess. So at least treat her like a human being first. 'Ring the Bell' and spread the awareness amongst others to do the same. 


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