Quotes by Deepbaazigar 13

                                              Quotes by Deepbaazigar 

Quotes by Deepbaazigar series is basically compilation of some of my tweets. 
                   You can follow me @deepbaazigar for more such quotes. 

1) The best thing about entrepreneurs is that they don't bother much about money; what they care about is - living in their dreams and converting them into reality. 

2) When you respect your followers and consider their 'support' as 'leadership of their own consciousness', then it's a 'true leadership' 

3) 'Experts' are the creatures who give you the same 'solution' with more 'confidence';Solutions which you have already 'thought of' but were confused about.

4) 'Money rolling' is what maximum financial services do; when they offer you double of your investments; But please understand; there is a limit to rolling and it can leave you rolling on your bed with tears. 

5) Whenever you loose your path; just close your eyes and remember your mentors. You will be back on a track soon; because your mentors have 'Bird View' of your path. 

6) Whenever any girl starts praising a boy; it's an alarm than she will dump her work on his shoulder. As for girls "Management is an Art of getting things done from Boys". :P

7) It took me more than a decade to realize that - you can motivate without demoralizing too. Positivity without negative words is more fruitful. 

8) I walk slowly and steadily on success path just like a tortoise; and sit at home and kill mosquitoes like 'Kachwa Chaap' whenever I don't walk. 

9) Of Course, 'Deepbaazigar' is not just a 'Pen name'; it's a brand created by a Narcissist called 'Deepak Doddamani' 


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